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The Storyboard

In our Storyboard service you can commission a hand-drawn storyboard that represents a pivotal moment from an imaginary film that fictionalises an experience from your past. 


There are a range of options available from a single page through to entire film storyboard. Please see below information on the process and some client examples.


How does it work?

Case Study 004


Client: Connal Orton


In this single page Storyboard we created a courtroom drama based on a contested memory from Connal's past. The anecdote inspired the imaginary WITH TV film Chicken where Connal and his mum work together to reveal the doctored evidence behind a false accusation.  More


Case Study 005

Sent to Coventry

Client: Robert Nash


In this two page storyboard commission, the memory expert and cognitive psychologist Robert Nash asked us to fictionalise the evening he met his husband, and to consider how accurate their memories of that evening might be. More


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